So it's been awhile since I've much has happened! Quick recap: I went into labor on Sunday (Nov 21) and, after a few false alarms, our beautiful baby finally made her appearance early Wednesday morning (Nov 24). I've been sequestered in our home ever since...well, it feels like it anyway!
I keep thinking, no one ever tells you just how hard these first few weeks (months) can be! I mean, they tell you that being a mother is the hardest job in the world, but I guess I always assumed that was hyperbole. Apparently not.
I didn't have a ton of physical pain after giving birth (thankfully), so I feel very lucky in that regard. But the lack of sleep...that's what's been killing me. I could handle anything else if I could only get some sleep! She always seems to be hungry, or need something...and if I can't figure out what that is, I feel like a total failure for her. Today, for the first time in eight weeks, I'm actually not completely exhausted...and I think it's because I've gotten her to nap twice (twice, can you believe it?!?), so she's in a better mood. Would that every day could be like this!!
Hopefully, now that we're at eight weeks, things will begin to get a little (!!) easier and I'll have more time to write here. With any luck, I can share some of my experiences to help other new moms with some challenges they might be going make things a little easier for them, too.
Until's all about the baby steps!
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