“...human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but...life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.”
~Gabriel Garcia MarquezThis quote struck a chord with me today, as I've been thinking a lot about change, as well as mothers and what an influence they have over our lives. (Well, technically of course the quote didn't literally strike a chord...wow, if you think about it too hard, the English language can be strange sometimes, can't it?)
It's true, though, we spend our whole lives reinventing ourselves. I mean, I'm only 38 (only - ha!) and so far, I've already had two different careers (theatre & finance), am about to start a third (motherhood - yikes!)...and who knows what'll happen next. That's not even mentioning life-changes, of which there have been many (and likely will be many more). Change is ever-present, and I guess I must somehow be comforted by that, or I would have made plenty of different decisions throughout my life (moving to NYC at 23 years old -- with only two suitcases, $1,000 in the bank, and a promise I could sleep on a friend's couch -- springs to mind).